Lafitte gay bar new orleans

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It can be especially entertaining during Southern Decadence when the street is thick with sweaty, shirtless men, and passing straight girls clutch onto their boyfriends as if they knew he'd be gone forever if they lost contact! The drinks are potent, and the service has always been good in spite of being insanely busy and crowded at times. Progress? The balcony is a wonderful place to watch people stroll by. Although I like how they have renovated the upstairs bar and lounge, I mourn the loss of the fabulous mural that once graced the walls there. Upstairs is a chic and sleek game room with pinball machines, pool tables and Internet access. Most popular destinations compiled from 2022 Lyft ride data. I like the layout of the downstairs bar with the flame sculpture and bench seating. Cafe Lafitte In Exile, the oldest gay bar in the United States, features the best video bar in the Quarter and is a favorite meeting place. Discover the hottest gay bars people ACTUALLY go to in French Quarter, New Orleans - Cafe Lafitte In Exile, Napoleons Itch, The Page Bar, 700 Club, The Corner Pocket, Golden Lantern, Oz New Orleans. Meilleur lieu gay de non loin de Lafitte (Louisiane) Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport Vous ne vous ennuierez jamais si vous visitez Louis Armstrong New Orleans Airport, le nombre dactivités disponibles change toujours, vous ne serez donc jamais à court de projets dans cette ville. I like that it's just down the block from 'The Big Three', away from where the craziness on Bourbon Street really gets cranked up. While Rawhide 2010 will always hold a special place in my heart (and nether regions), and I had a really fabulous time at Good Friends this year, I'll admit that Lafitte is my -favorite- hangout in the French Quarter.

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